You belong here!
We understand that finding a church can be difficult, we want to make it easy.

What is Church like?

When you come to BCC, you will quickly find a warm, friendly group of people committed to making you feel a part of the family and pointing you toward Jesus. Our Sunday services have something for the whole family. We offer Sunday school from 9–10:00 AM and then After having service from 10–11:00 AM. Greeters are located throughout the church to assist if you need any help. 

What about my kids?

Children’s programs are offered during Sunday school and service for infants through 5th grade. Greeters and the Children’s team will assist you with getting your children checked in and to their special area. Your children will enjoy lessons that are specifically designed for them and will be the best hour of their week!

What about students?

Grades 6-12th have the option of attending Sunday School at 9:00 AM, then after will join the rest of the congregation for the main service at 10:00 AM. 

Your student is also welcome to join the youth group Sunday nights across the street at the youth building from 5–7:00 PM. Your student can expect to meet with other youth their age, for an evening of games, dinner, and dynamic worship/message. 

What is worship like?

We have a blend of both hymns and contemporary music. This is a time when we experience the presence of God through music and song, returning thanks to Him for all He has done for us.

What is the appropriate attire?

Come as you are! The dress ranges from casual to professional.

What type of Church is BCC?

Burnham Christian Church is a non-denominational church, that believes the bible is inherent and Jesus is the only means to salvation. 

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